Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jesus is Near

From Mark 6:45-56

After Jesus fed the 5,000 people, he sent his disciples to the other side of the lake and he went off to pray. At about 3am, he saw them struggling at the oars with the wind against them. So, he went out to them.

This was pretty interesting to me because it says "he went out to them," but once he was close to the boat it says that "he was about to walk by them." Why? Why would Jesus walk all the way out there, then walk by the disciples who were struggling? I'm not sure I have the answer to that, but one thing did occur to me that when we are struggling with an issue whether it be death, divorce, career change, weighing big decisions, or finances, Jesus is Near! At times it may seem that everything is against us (just like the wind against the disciples)...Jesus is Near! Why would he just "walk by"? Maybe that is to show us that we need to call out to him, he is available to help us and once we invite him in our "boat," he will give us peace.

What are your thoughts?

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